Students in Collision with life and Jesus

Middle School Collision (7th-8th)

How do you choose Jesus in the middle of shifting friend dynamics? How do you choose your identity by faith and not just what everyone else tells you? How do you choose whether your parent’s faith will be your faith?

You can expect Wednesday nights to be filled with high-energy fun and games, new friends, growing faith, and group mentorship with an adult who cares. The specific curriculum to start this year is called What Would Jesus Do? - - with a family like mine, friends like mine, at a school like mine, in a church like mine? One of the best things we can do for our students is to teach them to ask God for wisdom and insight to make the best possible choices in the midst of hundreds of options. They can ask themselves and answer the question “What would Jesus do?”

High School Collision (9th-12th)

Now that you are realizing this is a big bold world that you’re running head first into, how does your faith form, transform, and fit with what you’re seeing? How do you deep dig into the Bible on the questions that matter most? How do you live on mission to your circle the way Jesus commissioned? How do you move from follower to leader? How do you keep growing as a disciple while also becoming a disciple-maker?

We’ve taken a “Missional Community” format. We start with food, fun, and interactive ways to know each other. The second part of the night is spiritual direction - more than a lesson it is an environment for students to start talking about what’s really going on inside them, and then figuring out how gospel and prayer meet that with Jesus. The third part of the night will be a student-led Bible discussion (with adult supervision) - we want to equip our students to know how to handle the Bible on their own and see that they are able to grow each other; practicing what it means to be a safe, honest, constructive environment for spiritual formation.

Please register your student and you’ll get a weekly text on when/where we’re meeting as if the weather is really nice, we are prone to changing locations the day of. So get on our text/email list for last minute updates!  

Disciple Making on Social Media - Even if Your Student Can’t Show Up

We get that sports, schools, arts and other family activities make it hard to attend sometimes, but that makes us no less committed to growing your student. We’re going to try texting and using the GroupMe app. It’s basically a group texting platform. Students can respond by text, or via the app, and the beauty is that it does not give out their cell phone numbers. This is completely optional, but a great way for 1) students who are connecting and growing weekly to use a platform to keep doing so daily, and it’s also a great way for 2) students who cannot show up to stay connected and growing with those who can. It is up to you as parents to guide your student on whether you’d like them to opt-in.  

If your student opts in, it’s only approved adult leaders who have gone through Lakepoint’s screening process who will be involved.  These leaders will insert regular messages to encourage, inspire, leave a prayer, post a scripture, or just celebrate our students. The students will contribute their own selves to the dialog just like any social media would.  All messages via text/app from our leaders to your minor will be in group message format, involving no fewer than three in the message.  Any leader seeking to direct message your minor must obtain parental approval from you first. 

How to Get Connected

Start with registering your student.  That’s the easiest way to get in the loop and make sure we’re on our regular schedule for this week.

Then, plan your first visit.  You can start with special events, or just dive-in with our regularly scheduled Collision gatherings - we are always ready and eager to welcome first-time guests and make new friends.

Questions?  Contact us at

After coaching student-athletes for 10 years, and now having two high schoolers of my own, my new love is pouring into the high schoolers at Lakepoint Church! It's these years of life that meant the most to my personal journey with Jesus too. I was 14 when I chose faith in Jesus, 15 when I was diagnosed with childhood cancer, and all the big questions in the high school years that followed made me the disciple of Jesus that I am today.

Brian Hofmeister - Lead Pastor

I have had a passion for working with children for as long as I can remember - which resulted in my time as a summer camp associate director as well as a special education assistant post college. When the opportunity to join Lakepoint's staff in our children's ministry was presented to me, it combined two of my passions - children and Jesus. I am excited for the addition of my role to accompany students on their journey to growing as individuals and as a follower of Christ. In my free time, you can typically find me at a sporting event, reading, or spending time with my family.

Kennedy Owens - Family Life Assistant