Brian Hofmeister - Lead Pastor
Pastor Brian Hofmeister, along with his wife Melissa and three children, planted Lakepoint Church in 2012. Brian was raised in Muskego where his dad owned a dental practice and kept the family deeply involved with community life. So, when God called Brian to plant a church, where else would the Hofmeister’s go but Muskego?
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Helping people connect with Jesus in everyday life through everyday relationships
We believe in one God, in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as revealed in the Bible and made known fully in Jesus Christ. God has eternally existed in three distinct yet triune persons.
The Bible
We believe the Bible is God-breathed, true in all of its teaching, and the final authority for all matters of faith and practice.
We believe that Jesus, the divine Son, became human, was born of a virgin, ministered in word and miracles, died for our sin, was raised back to life, ascended back to heaven, and will come again.
The Church
We believe that Jesus Christ established his Church on earth to carry out his saving mission among all people groups and formed the Church to be one holy people.
Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit is presently ministering in and through people, empowering Christians to live in godliness and service.
We believe the only means of forgiveness from sins is faith in the atoning work of Jesus’ death and resurrection. God’s saving grace calls forth from all people: faith, repentance, confession, baptism, new life, perseverance, and ministry from the Spirit.

Jesus First
Our church is committed to living like Jesus and with Jesus every day. We follow him inwardly in our hearts and outwardly through our actions, with no greater love than him. We believe life with Jesus means life to the full: it mends what is broken, heals what is hurt, brings light to the dark, and does infinitely more than we could ask, think, or imagine.
Empowering People
Our church is committed to equipping individuals to exercise their unique gifts towards God’s world-wide mission. We believe disciples will make disciples, leaders will be multiplied, and the kingdom of God will advance in our everyday circles.
Uncommon Generosity
Our church is committed to giving our first and best to a God who gave us his first and his best in his Son. We believe that by radically investing our time, talents and treasures into what is eternal, we are fulfilling God’s plan for the here and now.
The vision of Lakepoint Church is a horizon-level, only-God dream of the impact and reach that our church could have if every person lived fully into their God-given potential. To read the full statement, click here.
community center
Our facility is available to the community for rentals, events, and nonprofit use as the Muskego Circle Community Center.
global missions partners
Lakepoint partners with VisionTrust International in the country of Peru. VisionTrust is a Christian child development organization aiming to meet the physical, medical, educational and spiritual needs of orphaned and vulnerable children around the world. We are honored to support the Maranatha Learning Center and Casa Luz Orphanage in Ayacucho, Peru.
ames family
Lakepoint supports Jonathan and Davon Ames and their five children as they minister in Papua New Guinea. The Ames family are church planters working among unreached people groups while serving under the mission organization Ethnos360. Please include the Ames family in your prayers.