The 40WK Journey
40 weeks to become a disciple who makes disciples
What is the 40 WK Journey?
From 2020 to 2021 our entire church went on a 40 week journey of disciple-making. Originally, this journey was presented as a “series of sermon series” each with a monthly challenge and extra event. We’ve included here the most important sermon from each of those series as well as the accompanying challenge for you to take at your own pace. By the end of the journey, you’ll be equipped and ready to lead one friend toward a discipleship relationship with Jesus.
The YouVersion Bible plan to accompany the 40 WK Journey will be available in early 2022.
Dare - to Dream God’s Dream
God’s dream is to save the world, and he’s inviting you to find your part in it.
Your challenge: Claim one person in your life you hope will know Jesus by the end of this 40 Week Journey
Prayer - to Stand in the Gap
Getting in the middle of God’s plan, and people’s lives, with real power, takes intercessory prayer.
Your challenge: For 30 days pray, “God, give me your heart and your prayer for people in my life today.”
Christmas - that’s Down to Earth
God brought all the great stuff from heaven down to earth with Jesus at Christmas, and now we too bring it into our everyday lives and relationships.
Prepare - for “Who Am I Anyway?'“
Knowing God is knowing who you are, and knowing who you are is knowing where you are going.
Your Challenge: Take a free assessment to determine “My Shape,” and debrief with your Missional Community or pastor to turn it in “My Calling.”
Care - because Love is the Hardest Thing You’ll Ever Do
After all the dreaming, praying and preparing, it’s time to do the things for your friend that will give gospel and make disciples.
Your Challenge: Use the Everyday Gospel framework to take your Calling (from the previous series) into your everyday life.
Share - the Stories Where Heaven Meets Earth
We’ll learn to speak God’s story, your story, and your friend’s story all as the same story in Christ.
Your Challenge: Use the words Fall-Forgiveness-Faith-Freedom to fluently tell your gospel story. Continue in the Everyday Gospel workbook.
Grow - in Everyday Discipleship
We’ve got a great God and big Bible, but there’s a focused few discipleship bases for you and your friend to go around.
Your Challenge: Make the turn from Disciple to Disciple-Maker, by making room in the places and practices of your discipleship, for a friend to join in with you.
Go - CoMissioned in all you do
We made this journey for one, but it doesn’t stop with one, we live CoMissioned with the Great Commission of Jesus every day of our lives.
Your Challenge: Be baptized and go baptize.